High School Classes

2025-2026 High School Classes

Here is the tentative schedule and list of classes being offered for the 2025-2026 co-op year.  Classes are offered individually, so you only select and pay for the classes that your student needs. Keep in mind, we have to reach a minimum number of 5 students in a class to be able to offer that class.  If we do not reach that minimum, we will have to cancel that class for the year. The decision to cancel a class will be made and communicated by July 1, 2025. Parents will not be charged for any Tuition or Supply Fees for cancelled classes, and if we have to cancel all the classes your student is registered for, we will also refund any Registration Fees that have been paid. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at ignitehomeschoolcoop@gmail.com.

2025-2026 Course Offerings

Science:  Physcial Science (9th/10th), Chemistry (11th/12th)

Social Studies: World Civilizations (9th/10th), Government & Economics (11th/12th)

Math: Algebra 1, Geometry

ELA:  English 1, English 2, English 3/4

Suggested 9th Grade Track: Algebra 1, Physical Science, English 1, World Civilization, Electives

Suggested 10th Grade Track: Physical Science, Geometry, World Civilizations, English 2, Electives

Suggested 11th/12th Grade Track: Geometry, English 3/4, Chemistry, Gov't & Econ, Electives


*Chemistry will be an advanced level science class, and will be for 11th & 12th grade students only.  A solid foundation in other science classes will be needed for this class. It is recommended that students have completed and/or are currently enrolled in Algebra 2 to be successful.