Registration Guide
Registration is now open to returning families ONLY. If you would like to be added to our waitlist, please click the following link: WAITLIST FORM
Step 1: Review Ignite Family HAndbook
Quick Link: Ignite Family Handbook
Please review all policies, schedules and current tuition and fees. Even if you are a returning family, PLEASE read all the way through the Handbook. It includes important information on fees and payment options, volunteer requirements, behavior guidelines, and other important information. We do change it and add to it from year to year.
Step 2: Complete Family Registration Form
You will need to complete one Family Registration Form. Click on the link below.
step 3: complete student registration FORM
You will need to complete a Student Registration Form for each student you will be enrolling. Please select the appropriate form for the grade that your student will be going in to for the 2025-2026 school year.
K-5th Grade Student Registration Form
Step 4: Fill out family/student waivers
To sign up for your Volunteer Days, go to the link below and select the dates and position you would like. Remember to select a total of 6 dates. Thank you!
Step 6: PAY FEEs to Complete Registration
Once forms have been completed and reviewed, you will receive an email with an invoice for the total registration fees due. Registration fees must be received by the due date on the invoice to reserve your placement.
Please follow payment instructions on your invoice.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us anytime at